Methods of Madness: Text in Cinema 4D Part 1

Using Non-Boolean Boolean Text

by Pinhead a.k.a Paul Pappathan

Didn't Mommy tell you CG would make you insane? I think mine forgot...

For all C4D users ...Version 6.x up

Without a doubt C4D has some of the coolest and fastest ways to deal with text as a modeling object.
Anything from a non-Boolean Boolean (really..hahahaa) to instant fillets, bevels, wraps, separate surfaces for texturing and about anything else you can think of.
You can use any text face installed on your system.
This gives you an easy way to make wacky objects if you so choose ; )

So lets take a look at this non-Boolean Boolean text magic stuff first.

C4D has an auto-subtract trick built into its Extrude NURBS function when using splines.
As Text is included in the Objects > Spline Primitive listing it can be used in a negative manner.
(no, I don't mean to encourage you to curse and say nasty thingz about people, you can about me though).

Here's all you have to do to cut out text...Make sure you are in Modeling Mode folks.

1. Go to Objects > NURBS > Extrude NURBS and click -  or use the Nurbs icon to place the Extrude into the Objects category.

Extrudio Nurbo

2. Drop in an Object > Spline Primitive > Circle.

Under Attributes make the circle an Ellipse, Radius = 250, Radius Y = 150.
Is doing this really needed? Nope! Just seeing if you can follow directions ; )
Make Intermediate Points = Uniform  > and Number = 16

3. Where's the pork, uhhhhh Text!? Hey, slow down there baconhead...
It's under Objects > Spline Primitive > Text - shown above in 2 and also in the icon group when expanded.

Add the Text spline to the objects.

(You will notice that under object properties the MAXON folks decided to daringly call it 'Text' hahahahaha...geez, I would have plugged Cinema 4D and will)

4. Type in whatever text you like and select a Font. Atrributes of the 3 objects shown below:

Attributes of Extrude NURBS, Circle (ellipse) and Text Splines

Scale the Text using the Height control if necessary - center the text in XY view to fit inside the Ellipse.

Do not move the text on Z.

Notes: In Object Attributes both spline(s) are Bezier with Uniform Points.
Number of Points = 16 in my example.
One spline object must be inside the other.
If the text runs outside the extruded object, the letters that intersect will be cut out.
Here's an example, neato eh? It actually has use for logos and titles ; )

5. Make the Text and Circle Editable: Objects > Make Editable or [C] key while both are selected.

After making splines Editable they will looka like the above

Next, hold down Shift and click on Text and Rectangle, or draw a square around both in the object palette to select them if you haven't already.
Go to Objects or Functions > Connect. This will make a combined object named Text.1.

Combined Splines

Left click and drag Spline Object [Text.1] onto the Extrude NURBS. Make sure it is 'attached' to the NURBS as shown below.

Play with the Extrude depth (Z depth is 20 units by default), Caps, Subdivision.
Phong angle controls smooth appearance.
I used a start Convex Fillet Cap of 1 Step with Hull Inwards.
Object Subdivision was 16.
All this is shown above in Attributes of Extrude NURBS, Circle (ellipse) and Text Splines

The settings used results in pre-beveled, cut out text on the elliptical object.

Throw a volumetric light into the scene if you don't believe you have cut out text ; )

Once you get this method down it will take about 30 seconds at most to cut out text - I was as thorough as possible in my explanation to avoid assumptions.

The sequence is simply:
A. Make Extrude NURBS
B. Make spline primitive and spline text.
C. Make splines Editable > then Connect.
D. Drop connected spline object onto Extrude NURBS.

Pssst hey you, yes YOU : For being such good a tutee extra fun and games can be had if you drop a Wrap Deformer (Objects > Deformations > Wrap Cylindrical) onto the combined text object.

Makes extra fine beer and booze bottle labels ; )

Part II will be traditional Boolean text with a C4D twist or two.

Pinhead - Aug 2004
Cinema 4D Version 8.5 used