UV Mapping: Output a UV Template\Texture Map - by Pinhead
Wanna texture template you can alter in a 2d program ala ŠUVMapper?
It can be done with BodyPaint's Outline Polygon function.
We're going to use a basic primitive as a simple example to make a template which can be used in any paint program.
Including BodyPaint of course...
This tutorial intentionally bounces you around layouts in the hope that this will help you become more familiar with the flexibly of the program. I'm not doing it to annoy you ; )
After you're done with this brief explanation see if you can find the fastest way to accomplish the same task.
Ok, lets get on with it.
Getting Started
Start C4D in Modeling mode.
Go to Objects > Primitives > Oil Tank.
Make Editable [hit the C key] (this step assigns a UVW map)
Go to: Materials > File > New Material...double click the Mat icon
Select Color Channel > Create New Texture > 512x512 Color White > Click OK .
Drag the Mat onto Oil Tank.
2 x Click the Phong Tag in Objects > Reduce to 42-44 degrees.
Makin da Map
The Texture created using Outline is going to be your Template
Texture View: Go to BP UV Edit [Window > Layout > BP UV Edit]
In Texture View > Textures > Select > Mat_Color_1.tif
UV Tools: Remap under Projection menu if you like.
Note : You must have polygons active to remap.
To do this go to Tools > UV Tools > UV Polygons
Brush Tool Settings
Click Brush Tool > Active Tool > Settings
Size = 1
Pressure = 100%
Hardness = 100%
Spacing = Default
Click Colors > Color : Black
Activate UV Polygons
Click UV Polygon Edit Tool Or go to Top Menu > Tools > UV Tools > UV Polygons
Select UV Polygons
Top Menu > Select Polygon > Select All
Outline Polygons
Layer > Outline Polygons:
(this is similar to a 1 pixel edge stroke in Photoshop - here it puts a 1 pixel line around all polys)
Make sure you have the Mat_Color_1.tif selected.
The brush has to be told where to stroke ; )
Another Option: Fill Polygons
Use Layer > Fill Polygons instead of Outline.
In lieu of using the plain old brush you can use a texture.
Make sure you have the Mat_Color_1.tif still selected and polygons are active.
You can use the Selection tools (lasso, rectangle etc,.) to apply different image textures to specific polygons.
Save your Template and Model
Save your Stuff!
File > Save Texture as..
If exporting in 3ds format use short filenames such as templt.xxx when saving the texture template .
As the 'Template' is based on the poly UVs it can be used as a distributable texture map and re-painted in most any 2d app.
File > Export..
Take your pick of formats. I use 3ds the most with old DOS naming convention for compatability.
If you want to export OBJ properly I strongly recommend the RipTide plugin by Keith 'Spanki' Young.
Get it here:
If you get stuck anywhere on the process described above please drop into the Cinema 4D forum at 3D Commune.
We're always glad to help.