Basic Bryce - Page 1

Includes info on Bryce terrains, DTE, Sky, using picture textures, light, renders, print settings, importing, exporting and more.

Answers by Pinhead at 3DCommune

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Page 1 Topics 1 - 30
Page 2 Topics 31 - 60

Questions and Answers
  1. I cant get a good thumbnail to upload [Jpeg compression] What do I?
  2. How do you turn antialiasing off for individual objects?
  3. Suggestions regarding caustics/light gels in Bryce - Arry
  4. The DCBA thing (Or ABCD) – A component illustration – Mat Lab Stuff.
  5. What the hell is Phase good for??
  6. Mat Lab – Picture Mapping mode question?
  7. Help Scaling Textures Please? (Damsel)
  8. The problem with textures...I drifted
  9. How do I get the "rough" look to wood? Help.
  10. How do I get to the Basic Bryce textures? Can you also show the DTE with the noise editor brought up?
  11. FYI Scale, Rotate, Offset 2 of 2 – Position Coordinates in Bryce
  12. Simple Boolean: I'm trying to make a room, I've tried...How would you make a room?
  13. Ranged Falloff Light: Is it based on the object furthest from the light, Bryce units, What?
  14. Bryce Filters & Plugins – Where is they?
  15. How do you make an image map in Bryce?
  16. Need help using the paintbrush in the Terrain Editor.
  17. Pinhead-Help Me!! (Panoramic skies applied to a model shell)
  18. Terrain/Lattice Clipping? – Can't reset! A Dumb question?
  19. DTE Twister mats - have I done something wrong?
  20. What are mask renders and what are they used for?
  21. More Terrain Clipping: a brief show and tell on how to clip a terrain.
  22. How do I Import Bryce mats and skies I download from freestuff?
  23. Mats: What's with the file size of imported jpegs and the resulting Exported *.Mats?!
  24. Where to set Render/Print Resolution
  25. More on Renders and Document Setup
  26. B101 MORE on Page, Document and Render Setup Differences
  27. A What da ? to Corel. .
  28. How do I get rid of those edges in Volumetics?
  29. How to reduce Shear/Skew
  30. How can I make more realistic mats for terrains?

Go to Contents Part 2 for Items 31 to . . .