Make Tree Trunks from Low res Terrains

6 Simple Steps!...well perhaps 7. . . maybe 88?

Written to answer a question in the Bryce 101 Forum from a member at 3DCommune

1) Click the Create terrain Icon 3rd from left.
Create Terrain

2) Click Edit [E] to go to the Terrain Editor.
Click edit next to the terrain

3) Click New at the top Left of the Terrain Editor Elevation Tab.
Make a new terrain

4) Use the default Brush and keep on Clicking in Center of Terrain Canvas to make a trunk.
Paint a terrain in the center
Tip: Hit Basic and Slope Noise a few times if you want a very rough bark.

5) Pull up slightly where you see the mouse cursor to remove the bottom of the terrain.
This is called the Clipping plane by the way...
It will make the trunk meet the ground without leaving a huge square to fight with...who wants to fight a tree trunk?
Sounds like something only a pinhead would do eh? Hahahahahahaaha...
Obviously I lost that one several times...sorry, let's continue! ; >
Clip bottom of terrain and Exit
Click the check mark at the bottom right to Exit the Terrain Editor...thank you.

6) Resize Y in particular and make sure the bottom of the trunk is slightly beneath the ground plane.
Trees DO NOT Float in air!
(Unless you live in Everett, MA where the pollution makes even buildings float away every evening...really.
I ain't kidding, it is scary as hell here. Help ME!)

Pull up on Y Axis

7) Try a variation of Ansels Evening for the sky to start, add a cool mat to the Terrain tree trunk.
(Cylindrical Mapping Mode usually works best, scale it so it looks real).
Make duplicates and position as needed as far back as you want the trunks to show.
Add some Massive terrains to the far background, flatten them in the Terrain Editor and then add noise and pull Spikes very slightly to the left.
Resize/Move as needed.
A fast example render:
That's it. Piece of bark wasn't it?

You can find some leaf maps, tree models in Bryce free stuff here at 3DCommune to finish off your own private (and somewhat spooky) forest.
Hope you had fun with this.
Fast and painless unless you hit your head on the trunks like I do...
Best regards,

Paul a.k.a Pinhead
27 Jan 2002